Cyborg roaches could soon become search and rescue heroes


By Dean Murray via SWNS

Hold tight – the cyborg cockroach rescue team are coming!

Researchers are preparing swarms of hybrid insects controlled by tiny onboard computers that can carry out search and rescue missions.

Teams at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University and Osaka University examined how algorithm-controlled cockroaches can navigate through dusty and rocky terrain.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches were fitted with tiny backpacks housing a circuit board attached to the insect, which included the locomotion control system and wireless communication module.

The algorithm was found to reduce entanglements among the cockroach cyborgs, facilitate interactions among neighbors to aid trapped teammates, and allow overturned roaches to recover with the help of neighbors, thus enhancing the safety and robustness of the multi-cyborg system.

In their study, published in the journal ariXiv, the researchers explain: “Navigating multi-robot systems in complex terrains has always been a challenging task.

This is due to the inherent limitations of traditional robots in collision avoidance, adaptation to unknown environments, and sustained energy efficiency.”

The swarm robotics research demonstrates the potential of integrating biological organisms with robotics and control theory to create more intelligent autonomous systems.

The study proposes applications in various sectors such as logistics, disaster response, and agriculture.


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